Phone Sales Considered

Some might condemn phone sales, but I assure you they are by far the smartest form of creating and initiating business transactions. Think of it this way, they are green in that no one is driving around and spewing carbon into the air, creating traffic, or wasting energy. Additionally, if someone isn’t interested they simply explain this and the call ends and it’s noted, saving everyone a lot of time, effort, and money, thus more profit for all parties concerned.

Phone sales are also completely efficient in every regard, and the interactive process of asking questions, giving details, and explaining products and services gets to the essence of basic communication. It is for this reason that phone sales especially business to business make sense all the way around, thus, I am a proponent. Indeed, while running my company we sent out marketing and sales teams to every city we set up a franchise in, some 450 cities we served in all, so that’s a lot of leg work, and the phone was a key element in making that happen for our franchisees.

Now then, there are some challenges with telemarketing and teleselling, just as there is with junk mail and SPAM as well. So, I am not about to defend nonsensical sales practices, in fact, critique them pretty hard when asked about the topic. If you are into sales, you need a constant supply of reading material to keep your mind 100% in the game to win. Perhaps, get a hold of some books or eBooks on the topic, fast-paced books which are quick, simple, and easy to read.

Why? Because a sales person must stay in the flow of techniques and strategies to move the sales process forward. Anyone can gab away on the telephone, but that’s not enough to make you a good phone salesperson. Indeed, being able to hold a conversation, or capture someone’s attention for a long period of time might be great to make new Facebook friends, but when it comes to business and productivity – time is money and wasting your time and the other party’s time – well, that’s just not funny, nor is it a noble cause.

Lastly, you do not need to use super tricky tactics to get someone to buy, nor should you EVER tell a falsehood, rather you should listen to their needs, wants, desires, and determine if you can legitimately solve their problems, if you can explain how, and then kindly ask for the order. Yes, there is more to it than that, but, then again this article is only the beginning of your journey into the world of teleselling isn’t it?

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